Yes, today is all about shameless promo of some amazing authors who write books you just can’t put down! Yes, I’m talking C.M. Owens, Eden Finley and Saxon James, Charlie Cochet and more…
I love these ladies, the universes, and characters they’ve created! How could I not be tempted to share their fantastic work with you?

The queen of romance…
My absolute favorite author is C.M. Owens. Man, that woman had a way with words! She inspired me so damn much. Back when I read the first few books of hers, I remember thinking to myself that if I could write even a fraction as good as her, I would be so damned proud of my work. Am I there yet? Who knows? Imposter syndrome incoming! If you haven’t read my post about it, you can find it here.
Christie was something else and, I’ll be honest, I didn’t believe she was actually dead for quite some time. It just couldn’t be true. That was such a hard time for many of her fans (myself included) that I can’t even imagine how painful it must’ve been for her family. She was a wonder, taken way too soon! I hope that my writing will reach a level someday where I can think to myself, “I think Christie would’ve liked what I’ve written.”
She only wrote MF books and hers are about the only MF books I’ve read since I started reading MM and I am extremely picky about which books I read to begin with. Hopefully that’ll tell you just how amazing her books are (at least it should in my eyes). So if you’re unsure about what to read next maybe give her books a try! You won’t regret it!
If you want to read Christie’s books and support her family, you can find all her books here. I highly recommend the Deadly Beauties Live On series and the Sterling Shore series. They’re just fantastic stories! If you’re into something a little darker, you should check out the Mindfuck series by her pen name S.T. Abby. Yes, that spells stabby for a reason!

Let’s move on from the heavier stuff to something more lighthearted because that’s exactly what the Puckboys and the CU Hockey books are! Eden Finley and Saxon James are the queens of gay hockey romance! I just love their co-written books to bits!
They’re fun, sexy, mostly lighthearted, though there’s often a sprinkle of seriousness in there, too. Plus, lots of love and hockey butts! Well, hockey brains, too. Those boys are not always too smart but, damn, are they loveable. Dex is the epitome of loveable himbo and you can read all about him and his accidental husband in their book Irresponsible Puckboy.
While only the Puckboys series are on my bookshelf, the rest are certainly on my wish list! You can find Eden and Saxons shared books along with their solo works here.
Back way too many years ago (it’s definitely not ten years ago. Nope. Nuh uh. Not at all) when I first saw the THIRDS series, I thought to myself: nah, shifters ain’t for me (Twilight might have left me slightly traumatised. Imprinting on a baby? Really?). Boy, was I wrong! Well, not about the general shifter stories not being for me―they still aren’t. But the THIRDS therian shifters are so much more than that. The shifters came about because of a vaccine to a worldwide lethal virus and there are so many parts to it that just makes it much more enjoyable to me, and aside from that, the police/investigative parts are so great! There’s so much action and I love it!
I think I had to see the first book at least four or five times before actually deciding to click on it, and I’ve never regretted that decision! I just love those boys so much that I’ve had them on my bookshelf for years! Jumping down the Charlie Cochet well led to the Kings Security series a few years later and those books have everything I love to read: suspense, danger, found family, and a whole lot of love.
Psychopaths are in!
If you haven’t already heard of Onley James and her Necessary Evils series, where the hell have you been the past year? A bunch of psychopaths finding their version of love while also ridding the earth of scumbags? That’s right up my alley! Which is why the book are so lovingly displayed on my bookshelf right next to the Captive Prince series. If you’re interested to see what else is on my bookshelf, you can have a look at my blog post about it here!
If you’re into some darker stuff, Onley’s your girl! You can check out all her books in her shop here! She’s got some gorgeous special edition hardbacks and a lot of cool merch, too! I seriously want all of her Neccessary Evils stickers! They’re so fun 🤗

Dark or darker?
On the topic of dark books… if you don’t already know about Avril Ashton, it is my pleasure to introduce you! Avril’s got some amazing books! The first book of hers I read was Love the Sinner. A cop and the leader of a notorious gang? Sign me the fuck up!
Staniel has a special place in my heart, too! Holy shit, those two? Their books are phenomenal! You can read Daniel and Stavros’ first book Call the Coroner here. Just, you know, beware of the trigger warning!
I can’t wait for book 2 of her newest series The Counsel! I’m so excited to see where she takes the next couple 😱 ← that was me screaming when I got to the end of the first book and it was revealed that those two characters were indeed going to get together!
Thank you for reading along!
These were some of my favorite authors and what makes them favorites of mine as well as a bit of my personal history with their books. Thank you as always for reading along and taking the time to visit our blog!
Do you love these author’s books as much as I do? If you know these writers, their works, or have thought about reading their books, we would love to hear about it in the comment section below! Maybe you have a favorite author you would like to share? Feel free to name them in the comments! I would love to know what you guys are reading!