The Booklover’s New Year’s Resolutions

by | Dec 17, 2024 | Lists | 0 comments

Hello Lovelies,

With the end of the year upon us, many people, myself included, are considering their New Year’s resolutions. I want to make my 2025 resolutions more book-related and I thought you might want some inspiration, too.

Hopefully, we’ll still be able to sell and buy books in the US after January 20. That is the mindset I will be using when writing this blog post. I’ll be doing my best to remain positive and hopeful and will do my best to help you do the same!

Make time to read

Allow yourself to enjoy reading! The laundry is still gonna be there tomorrow. It’s there every day anyway… So grab a book, a throw blanket, a cup of something hot, take a seat on your couch, and enjoy entering a different world for a while. It feels nice to do something for yourself so it might even improve your mental health!

Instead of saying yes to things you don’t want or need to do, have a good time reading a book in 2025!

Read the books you know you’ll enjoy

Don’t let anyone guilt or shame you into reading books you know you won’t like! If it sounds exciting, then yes, obviously try it out, but if you’ll only be reading it because others are and you don’t think you’ll like it? Why bother? Read something you love instead!

Loving a certain trope or genre is fantastic! If you love it, you should definitely read it. Don’t let the naysayers bring you down because you only read books with a certain trope! If a book brings you joy, no one else’s opinion on it matters.

Support authors more

Buy more books directly from authors (a lot of authors are selling their books in their own shops). They might even have exclusive special editions!

Share your favorite books with others (on social media and otherwise). If you loved it, why wouldn’t you tell people? It’s also a good way to find like-minded people and possible friends to share your hobby with.

Write reviews of the books you’ve enjoyed (hell, write reviews of the ones you didn’t enjoy–what you didn’t like might be exactly what someone else is looking for in a book). Reviews can mean the difference between a series taking off because a lot of people read the reviews to decide on taking a chance on a new-to-them author.

Organize your bookshelf

Are you running out of space for new cool books? Make room for the books you love by removing the books that you don’t care to showcase. Give those books to friends who’ll love them or donate them to your local library or shelter. Maybe someone else can find a much better need for them?

Does title matching or color sorting tickle your fancy? Why not sort the books on your bookshelf how you prefer it? It’s also incredibly satisfying!

Add trinkets! Buy a decorative bookstand to showcase your favorite book or, if you’re crafty, make a book nook with your favorite book characters and/or location. I love Nerdforge on YouTube and they’ve made several book nooks and decorative pieces for their bookshelves. You can check out one of them here.

Be conscious of the environment

How about taking a trip to your local library? Find out if your library has ebooks and/or audiobooks and check out the books you want to read or take a trip to the library and bring a bunch of paperbacks home for you to delve into.

Try buying second-hand books once in a while! Do you have a second-hand bookstore near you? Check it out! That kind of bookstore is really fun and cozy and you might have a lot of fun there. Sometimes you can even find some great books for cheap.

Add books to your bookshelf

Go get that special edition hardback of your favorite book or put it on your wish list!

Put on your boots and jacket and head to the bookshop. Grab the books that draw your attention, whether that is because the cover is beautiful, or because the story sounds intriguing. We all have that one paperback book we just NEED to have! 

Cozy-up your reading space

Make that corner with ‘we don’t know what to do with it’ stuff into your new reading nook. Most people have scattered items that never seems to fit anywhere. Maybe they’ll fit in your new reading nook?

Grab a pillow for your reading chair or find a second-hand side table to put your book or mug on. Maybe even add a nice cozy throw blanket you can cuddle up with during those long reading sessions.

Find some reading or book-related décor and make sure everyone who enters your home knows that you love books! It adds personality, makes for a great conversation starter and it makes it more cozy for you to be in your space.

Download the Booklover’s

2025 Resolutions

Some of these things I have already done this year and I’m planning on doing much more in 2025! If it brings joy, why wouldn’t you do it? I got myself and my PA/bestie awesome book-related coffee mugs that are now on display in my kitchen when we don’t use them. I got some book ornaments that are hanging on my Christmas tree, and I love them so much! I’ve never had anything like that on my tree before. Something that represents my hobby/love? Sign me up for more!

I bought a gold bookstand for my bookshelf, and it looks fantastic! I love it! It’s so elegant and quite cheap to buy. I also got myself a morally gray T-shirt that is great for cozy days and to sleep in.

I got a whole bunch of bookmarks that are lovingly displayed on my bookshelf because I don’t tend to use bookmarks when I read. I’ll just finish the book I’m reading. ADHD hyperfocus, am I right?

You can check out more of the things I’ve gotten and where I got them from on my Bookish Gifts for Christmas 2024 blog post.

Thank you for reading along and we wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!


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